Herding Cats and Dreams

2017-03-09 09.13.56

Dreams are a mirror.

On my way to feed the three cats, I go through the back alley and am stopped by the beauty of the light and the flowers and that lane off into the distance.

I feel I need to do some counseling with the cats. Tiger is the male cat and not yet a year old. He has a fascination for the oldest female. Prior to ever putting the food out to them she growls at him for getting between her and the door, where the food comes out to them.


The cat and her shadow

So I place the food at the three corners of the deck. Tiger leaves his unfinished and comes to the oldest female. I have to point at him and say, “ah ah” and he will stop for a few second and then have another go. If I leave the scene, there will be a crime. If I stay there the oldest cat will eat everything in her bowl. She is used to having Tiger yelled at and does not even pause from her eating while this is going on. Staying calm in the face of the one who wants to steal from her, seems to be a good way to dine for her.

When the treats have been doled out and I am again on the front porch, I am lured into the rocking chair and the blue waiting for me.  I hold the hat up high and my eyes relax in the shade and my body relaxes in the heat of the sunshine.

2017-03-09 09.44.50

I watch the beautiful willow tree in the yard as it’s moving fronds, greening out, pull my attention again and again.

2017-03-10 12.02.21

The back to front dream

I remember the image of the mechanical doll that came to me in my imagination yesterday.Then last night’s dream comes back to me. I am with others and I take off my outer shirt, as I am too warm. Someone has to tell me to look down and I have my swimsuit on back to front and I am exposed.

My dream is telling me I have things back to front again. Within relationship there is love and only love to be streamed out and I have become the mechanical doll again and going about things without the intention to be in love with it all.


Setting my intention to having a loving relationships will be helpful. Talking to the mechanical in me will also help. Meditation to stream in the love and drawing to hi-light what is in shadow will all add up. Inner work is the key.

Other beautiful images from the cats’ garden.

2017-03-09 09.46.34

Natural garden mandala above

Other images from the cats’ garden above.

I was delighted to get this dream and this insight. Herding dreams into some kind of redemption for me can be like herding the cats but they always benefit from a little counseling and from a slowing down in a rocking chair in the sun and being in the beauty of the spring garden. Contact me for a session. Special rates for March apply.

The above photos were taken this morning by Rose.


About rlongwort

Licensed Professional Counselor. Dream specialist. MARI (Mandala Assessment Research Instrument) practitioner and teacher, certified.
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1 Response to Herding Cats and Dreams

  1. rlongwort says:

    The cats this morning were well behaved. Tiger was interested in getting treats from me so he came near, purred and while he would not take the treat out of my hand he put his paw up to get it off my hand. I enjoyed him a lot. The alfa female licked the head on the other female cat. They all were cute.

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